Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Roan Mountain State Park, TN: 4-30-18

Red Squirrels

7” in size.      Active year round.  Prefers to nest in tree cavities but also makes ball nests in branches or in underground burrows.

An opportunistic feeder.

Ears are tufted in winter

They are very vocal and make a sharp bark in alarm that may be repeated constantly for an hour or more.

Wood Thrush

The official bird of the District of Columbia

This handsome thrush is best known for its hauntingly beautiful song.

Slate-colored Dark-eyed Junco

Adult male singing to his mate

The Slate-colored form that we are seeing here is rather plain,

especially when compared with the Pale-Adult Oregon form

or the Gray-headed form we photographed in southern California.

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