Friday, May 4, 2018

Moses Cone Memorial Park, NC: 5-2-18

Moses Cone made his fortune in the textile industry.  The Cone Denim Company was a major supplier to Levi Strauss and Company for nearly a century.  And Cone became known as the “Denim King.”  His hobby was growing apples and multiple orchards were present on the estate.  Fruit from the estate is now contaminated from accumulated toxins in the soil after years of heavy pesticide use and is, therefore, not consumable.

Veery, a new trip bird

This bird is the least spotted of all the American spotted thrushes.

A study of migration showed that they can fly up to 160 miles in one night, and can fly at altitudes above 1.2 miles.

Juvenile Yellow-bellied Sapsucker

Adult Male Yellow-bellied Sapsucker

Male Chestnut-sided Warbler

Male singing

Eastern Chipmunk with breakfast

Secluded Male Slate-colored Dark-eyed Junco

A flash of white tail feathers serves as an alarm to other members of the flock.

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