Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Food fight: Ring-billed Gull vs Laughing Gull: 12-15-18

Larger Ring-billed Gull had just caught a juicy tidbit and was trying to land on the marker to it it, hopefully undisturbed.  However, it was not to be as an opportunistic (aka “lazy”) Laughing Gull descended on top of the Ring-bill trying to steal its prey.

And off they went on the chase

The smaller Laughing Gull is in hot pursuit.

The Ring-bill is holding tight

The Laughing Gull is squawking loudly and is just a short distance behind the Ring-bill.

Finally the Ring-bill drops the morsel and the Laughing Gull does a 90 degree instantaneous course change to dive after it.

The Laughing Gull actually stalls its flight so it can drop and grab the fishy item the instant it hits the water

The Ring-bill returns to the marker without getting to enjoy its Omega-3 lunch.

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