Saturday, December 29, 2018

Savannah NWR, SC: 12-18-18

Handsome Red-shouldered Hawk

Although the American Crow often mobs these hawks, sometimes the relationship is not so one-sided.  They may chase each other and try to steal food from each other.

Red-shouldered Hawks tend to return to the same nesting territory year after year.

They are year-round residents in the Southeast

Hooded Mergansers (Female on the right)

They are the smallest of the three species of mergansers found in North America.

A feeding Northern Shoveler duck on the left, male in the middle and a Common Moorhen on the right

American Coot (back left); Common Gallinule (formerly Common Moorhen); Male Northern Shoveler (right)

The shovelers are often referred to as the “Spoonbill” or “Spoony” because of their unique spatulate shaped bill, which has about 110 fine projections (called lamellae) along the edges, for straining food from the water.

Interesting “pair” (Male Common Goldeneye on the left and a female Bufflehead duck on the right)

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