Sunday, March 4, 2018

Black Skimmers on North Shore Beach: 2-26-18

Black Skimmers

Along with Dunlins, two gull species, Black-bellied Plover, and a Forster’s Tern

Often several birds will take off, circle the area and come right back to where they were.

Scratch that itch even in flight

Lots of bathing going on

One of two species of birds with the upper bill shorter than the lower bill.
 Interestingly, at hatching the two mandibles are equal in length so they act like tweezers allowing the youngsters to more easily pick up food regurgitated on the sand by a parent.  However, by fledging at about 4 weeks of age, the lower mandible is already nearly 1 cm longer than the upper.

A Black Skimmer wannabe - One Sandwich Tern

Interesting Signs

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