Thursday, March 22, 2018

Red Knots at Ft Desoto County Park: 2-18-18

Red Knots

These handsome birds are resting and “fattening up” before migrating to the Delaware Bay area for a feast of Horseshoe Crab eggs (hopefully!!!!) before heading farther north to their breeding grounds in Canada.

Not all of the Red Knots come through Florida.

On migration they tend to be in their non-breeding winter plumage which is relatively drab.


Farther along in their migration when in the Delaware Bay area, they will acquire their beautiful breeding finery. (A Dunlin, also in breeding plumage, is in the middle and the Knot on the right is banded)

In the Delaware Bay area they join thousands of Laughing Gulls and other shorebirds as they stuff themselves on the nutritious  Horseshoe Crab eggs.

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