Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Ft Desoto County Park: 2-27-18

Black-hooded Parakeet
 Fearing these birds may escape and become feral agricultural pests, the state of Tennessee bans the keeping of both Black-hooded as well as Monk Parakeets (Obviously too late for Florida).

Changing lightbulbs on the Bay Pier

Mourning Dove

This Fish Crow kept a wary eye on us as he sat just above us as we ate PBJ sandwiches at East Beach.

The remainder of the tower just north of the Gulf Pier after last year's hurricanes

Lots of birds are starting to use Outback Key, just west of North Beach

Sandwich Tern with its diagnostic yellow bill tip

Adult Herring Gull

1st year Lesser Black-backed Gull (Thanks Ron Smith!)

Would love to have that red urchin in our aquarium but, of course, unlawful to do so in a county preserve.

As some fishermen leave,

others arrive.  Ever thus!

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