Sunday, March 18, 2018

Felts Audubon Preserve, Manatee County: 3-17-18

Yellow Iris

Coral Bean

Spanish Moss: an epiphyte in the Pineapple Family

Eastern Gray Squirrel on one of the “bird” feeders

Black Vulture

Green Heron, fishing (often they will use tools so to speak.  They will drop an item (a feather, leaf, twig (we’ve seen them drop a piece of popcorn or a gum wrapper ) onto the surface of the water.  When a small fish comes up to investigate the disturbance it becomes a meal for the heron!

Pearl Crescent butterflies on Spanish Needle

Northern Mockingbird

Pair of Mottled Ducks (female on the right)

Palm Warbler

Prairie Warbler

Pair of Red-bellied Woodpeckers (Female on the right)

Red-shouldered Hawk

Turvey Vulture

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