Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Ft Desoto County Park: 2-27-18

Pair of adult Laughing Gulls in breeding plumage (black head feathers)

One not in breeding plumage but with breakfast

Lots of Omega 3s

Ruddy Turnstone doing its morning yoga postures

Migrants on their way north

Adult Brown Pelican flys by the Gulf Pier


Although both parents incubate the eggs, only the male spends the night on the nest.

Wallets breeding in the interior of the West differ from the Atlantic Coastal form in ecology, shape, and subtly in calls.

In winter, the Willets we see at Ft D are Western Willets from the Pacific coast area.

“Our” Eastern Willets go south to the Caribbean for the winter.

Because they are touch feeders and find prey using the sensitive tips of their bills, and not just eyesight, they can feed both during the day and at night.

Weather Headline

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