Sunday, March 25, 2018

Miller Family Bird Colony Island: 3-23-18

aka Bird Island West near the iconic Don Cesar Hotel Resort (to distinguish it from Bird Island East in Coffee Pot Bayou)

Brown Pelican

This adult was resting facing the other way

This youngster had just finished performing what’s called "glottal exposure"

Basically tucking the head down and turning the pouch inside out over the breast.   It’s thought that this maneuver keeps the mandible (lower part of the bill) supple as the bill/pouch must be able to hole 3 gallons of water when feeding.

Handsome Black-crowned Night-Heron in a somewhat unusual position from which it never moved the entire time we were watching it

Great Blue Heron,  preening

An adult with its head tucked while standing on its nest with two fluffy, white chicks nestled down in the nest to its left (our right)

Low tide indicator.  Who needs channel markers to tell us how shallow the water is.

Adult on its nest which includes 

a Spectrum electrical flag

Young Great Blues
 Sunning itself

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