Saturday, April 28, 2018

Between the Lakes National Recreation Area, KY: 4-25-18

Louisiana Waterthrush

This species is of high conservation importance, because of its relatively small breeding range, low overall density, and dependence on clear forest streams both on its breeding and tropical wintering grounds.

Male Brown-headed Cowbird

Female Brown-headed Cowbird

White-eyed Vireo: one of only two perching birds in the U.S. with white eyes.  Their nests are favored by Brown-headed Cowbirds for brood parasitism (this is when a bird (the cowbird here) lays its eggs in the nest of another species (the vireo here)) 

Great Egret (the only egret we saw in 4 days birding in the BTL NRA)

Ruby-throated Kinglet

Male Eastern Bluebird

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