Saturday, April 21, 2018

Reelfoot NWR & State Park, TN & KY

Reelfoot Lake was named for a Chickasaw Indian Chief, Kalopin (meaning Reelfoot), who was born with a deformed foot that caused him to walk with a staggering or reeling motion.

Male Northern Cardinal

American Coots

Young American Robin & Male Brown-headed Cowbird

Male Blue-headed Grosbeak

Adult Red-headed Woodpecker

One of the most strikingly beautiful woodpeckers.

Both the male and female have almost identical plumage.  The only way to distinguish gender is via DNA evidence.

These woodpeckers feed primarily on insects in the spring and summer but during the remainder of the year they are opportunistic feeders taking fruits and berries.  And in the fall, when the acorn crop matures, they eat both acorns and the grubs that are often inside them.

They tend to be high nesters with an average cavity height of about 26 feet.  These high nests tend to discourage predators.

And we’re lucky enough to have MANY good friends.

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