Saturday, June 16, 2018

4-20-18: Reelfoot NWR, TN & KY

Pectoral Sandpipers

A new trip bird for us

These birds are very promiscuous: males mate with multiple females, and females mate with multiple males.

Unlike with most shorebirds, there is a size difference between the sexes with the male being the larger of the two.  The breeding male has an inflatable throat sac, which expands and contracts rhythmically during display flights.

White-breasted Nuthatch

They gather nuts and seeds, jam them into tree bark, and hammer or “hatch” (hence their name) the food open with their bills.

Your trivia for the day: A group of nuthatches is known as a “jar” of nuthatches.

White-eyed Vireo

Singing its beautiful songs

Male Baltimore Oriole

Another new trip bird and actually the only one of these birds that we have seen so far.

Maryland’s state bird

The Baltimore Orioles baseball team was named after this bird.

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