Thursday, June 7, 2018

Painted Lady Butterfly: The most cosmopolitan of all butterflies

Painted Lady Butterfly

These beauties are found throughout Europe, from India to Asia, from North to South America, and all across Africa.

The tips of their legs can actually taste the leaves they stand on.

Each of their eyes has more than 30,000 lenses!

They smell with their antennae which can detect the faintest scents.

They hear with membranes in their wings.  

Their tongue is made of two long strands that zip together forming a tube through which they drink nectar.  The tube is usually carried coiled just beneath the head.  A micro-pump in the head pumps liquid nourishment (nectar, sap from tree bark, mineral rich waters from sand banks, blood-sweat-and tears from animal neighbors like turtles) into their body.

Monarch Butterfly

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