Saturday, June 9, 2018

Bird Island: 3-16-18

Fish Crow

Supposedly there are no American Crows in Pinellas county south of Brooker Creek but the birds don’t always read the bird book range maps.

Known American Crow

The Fish Crow, the American Crow, and the Northwestern Crow look alike and can best be told apart by range (one wouldn't expect a Fish Crow in Alaska or a Northwestern Crow in New York) or by their calls.

Known Northwestern Crow

Here are Palm, Cuban, Fish, Northwestern and American Crows.  I'll let you chose which is which!

Male Anhinga displaying for a female Anhinga a few feet away

Careless fishermen leave monofilament fishing line in the mangroves

Unfortunately this handsome Double-crested Cormorant got the hook on the end of the line wedged into its wing

It’s very sad to watch him struggle and know he is facing a long, slow death as he starves to death.  Unfortunately he was entangled near the nests of several other birds (Great Egrets, Tricolored Herons, Snowy Egrets) and if we had gone in to rescue him we would have disturbed the nests, eggs and chicks of the other birds.  So in essence, the cormorant took one for the team.  Very sad.

Tricolored Heron

With breeding feathers and bill color

Logo Trivia

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