Monday, August 15, 2016

7-23-16: Tenakee Springs, Alaska

Tenakee Springs is a small coastal town on Chichagof Island

The day was cloudy and 30 mph winds kept us anchored in a cove most of the day.  Rain squalls intermittently marched through the cove at will.

Interesting flower "pots"

Lots of anemones and other invertebrates we'd love to have in our aquarium (though the water temp here is about 20 degrees colder)


A working phone booth

Incoming float plane

Sweet William

Another typical SE Alaska weather day

Banana Slug
All the slugs we saw here were solid black though the species has many color variations including yellow, green, brown or whitish and some even have black spots.  This Pacific species is the 2nd-largest land slug in the world, measuring almost 10 inches long.  They can travel about a foot in 2 minutes when they're haulin'!  Most of the species seem to have a fondness for mushrooms so they perform another important function in the forest by spreading seeds and spores when they eat the mushrooms and then excrete a nitrogen rich fertilizer that replenishes the forest ecosystem, thus performing an extremely important function in the nitrogen cycle.  These little guys are so cool that the University of California, Santa Cruz even made it their official mascot.


Signs to make you smile

At a tire shop in Milwaukee:
"Invite us to your next blowout."

Great Comebacks

Interesting Facts

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