Sunday, August 21, 2016

7-27-16: Endicott Arm and Dawes Glacier

Dawes Glacier

Calving of the glacier

Red-breasted Mergansers
 Many were still molting and couldn't flying the air so they "flew" across the surface of the water.

Some could fly

Red-throated Loon
This species is the smallest and most widely distributed member of the loon family and unlike other loons, these birds do not carry their young on their back

 It's often foggy near the glacier

This glacier is on the cruise ship "tours"

 Interesting "scars" on the rock faces near the glacier

Handsome male Surf Scoter
This species rarely dives in water greater than 30' deep and forages in the zone of breaking waves, habitually diving through large, foaming wave crests.

Harbor Seals 

Sometimes they have to get off the ice flows in a hurry

Signs to make you smile

In a Non-Smoking Area:
"If we see smoke, we will assume you are on fire and will take appropriate action."

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