Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Bird Survey: Pinellas NWR 7-14-16 - A Catch up Post

Great Egret
Looks like he just got off his horse 

 In the breeding season long plumes grow from its back

Not all young that hatch survive the nestling period.  Aggression among nestlings is common and large chicks frequently kill their smaller siblings.

White Ibis

Sandwich Tern

These birds are not very aggressive toward potential predators, relying on the sheer density of their nests, often no more than 8-12" apart, and nesting close to more aggressive species like the Royal Terns.

Size comparison with the Sandwich Tern on the left and the larger Royal Tern on the right.
Nesting Royal Terns often defecate directly on the nest rim, thought to reinforce the nest against flooding after the rim hardens in a couple of weeks.

Roseate Spoonbill in its cotton candy pink finery

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