Thursday, August 18, 2016

7-25-16: Frederick Sound, SE Alaska

Light rain for our travel day from Baranof Island to Pack Creek on Admiralty Island

Adult Bonaparte's Gull in breeding plumage with dark head feathers

Red legs and feet

First winter bird

The smallest gull seen over most of North America

The only gull that regularly nests in trees
Juvenile Bonaparte's Gull

Crab traps

Immature Common Loon

Moon Jellyfish

Stormy weather

Dall's Porpoise knifing through the water
They are found exclusively in the North Pacific and are called "Orca Snacks" as they are a favorite food of the Transient Orcas

If we're lucky they will come over and ride the bow wake of the Delphinus

Mama Sea Otter with a large pup about ready to be put out on its own
 Sea Otters are the smallest marine mammals and rely on fur (the thickest of any animal! so dense that water cannot reach the skin; one square inch of fur contains up to 700,000 hairs) to keep them warm rather than blubber like whales, dolphins and other marine mammals.  They are about 4 feet long with a foot-long tail and weigh about 80-100 lbs.

 They eat 10-15 lbs of food (scallops, clams, starfish and sea cucumbers) per day.

These embers of the weasel family are one of the few mammals that use tools regularly.  Each otter carries a rock in a pocket of skin in its underarm.  When it brings food to the surface, it rolls onto its back, places the rock on its stomach and then smacks the crunchy food against it to crack open the tasty treat.

Fun Facts

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