Thursday, August 11, 2016

Wrangell, Alaska: 8-11-16

Thursday, August 11th
Today we walked, hiked, birded and drove the area.  Interestingly, for the first time in all the car rentals we have done over the years in Alaska, here we are required to bring the gas receipt for the fill up when we return the car and there is a $300 addition if you drive off the "paved roads." (there are supposedly 95 miles of roads on Wrangell Island but many if not most are forest service roads so our driving amounted to only about 35 miles, but it did get us to some nice trails)


Female Belted Kingfisher

Human activity, such as digging gravel pits and building roads, has created banks where these birds can tunnel into and build their nests and expand their breeding range.

Rainbow Falls Trail

Beautiful Bunchberries

Storm Snaps

Rainbow Creek

Rainbow Falls

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