Tuesday, June 14, 2016

6-14-16, Tuesday Cape Breton, Nova Scotia

6-14-16:  200 mile Travel Day in the rain from Cape Breton National Park to the city of Pictou, Nova Scotia.  Tomorrow, Wednesday the 15th, we will take the 75 minute ferry ride to our 3rd Canadian Province, Prince Edward Island.

We have not had internet coverage for the past two days so we will send a short post from today's 3hour, 4 mile hike in the mist, fog and muddy trail around Lac Warren in Cape Breton NP and then work on posts from the previous two days and get them ready as time allows.  We did see 53 birds in Cape Breton NP including a new trip bird this morning on the coast, a flock of Black Scoters.

Right before we came to this washed out bridge we ran into 5 Canada Parks people who were working on the trails and they told us about the shooting in Orlando.  So very, very sad. 

Fording the stream wasn't a big issue as the water wasn't flowing very fast.

Erosion is always an issue

Spotted Sandpipers 

They nest around the lake.  In their breeding plumage they have spots.  Usually when we see them in St Pete they are "spotless."

This sandpiper is the most widespread sandpiper in all of North America.

Common Loons
 These birds also nest on this lake.

This is the state bird of Minnesota and also appears on the "loonie" coin here in Canada (That we had to use for our 4 minute showers tonight at our campground)

This girl said she recognized me from the vegetarian club, but I'd never met herbivore.

In a podiatrist's office: "Time wounds all heels."

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