Saturday, June 18, 2016

Thursday, June 16, 2016: Prince Edward Island, Canada

  No rain today and the sun even peeked through the clouds for a few minutes in the early morning.  The temperature never topped 51 degrees and the winds remained in the 25 to 35 mph range.  We had 3 good birding hikes totaling 7 miles and then did a 4 mile run along the beach road after finishing the hikes.

  PEI, 175 miles tip to tip, has 687 miles of coastline and 26 miles of this scenic coastline on the north shore was set aside in 1937 as a National Park.  It includes various habitats for resident as well as migratory birds.  In fact, 210 of the 330 species recorded on PEI occur in the National Park.  There are massive sand dunes and distinctive red sandstone cliffs and beaches, the red color coming from iron oxide in the soil.

Great Blue Herons

These large herons nest here and are actually the official symbol of PEI National Park

Beaver Lodges

Red Sandstone Beaches

Red Sandstone Cliffs

When walking near the cliff faces we are VERY careful!

PEI Lobster fisherman

Male Yellow Warbler
 This is by far the most common warbler we have heard and seen on our trip, all the way up the east coast.

They are such beautiful birds that whenever we see one in good lighting conditions, I just can't not take photos. 

98% of the Yellow Warblers we have seen have been males.

I'm reading a book about anti-gravity.  I can't put it down.


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