Monday, June 20, 2016

6-18-16: Prince Edward Island, Canada

 I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order.           John Burroughs

Today is Monday, June 20th.  We had a good photographic day on Saturday the 18th so there will be two-a-day posts until we finish with Saturday's photos.  Hope you will enjoy them.
We will head out from our Bangor, ME campground near the airport (where the military planes are coming and going ALL THE TIME!) over to Lake Umbagoo National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) which is half in Maine and half in New Hampshire.  Please stay tuned.

BirdMobile on the coast of the Gulf of St Lawrence

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
A new trip bird for us.  This bird is considered a Keystone Species as many other species take advantage of the sap holes these birds drill into tree trunks.

Song Sparrow

The song these sparrows sing is very involved and melodious.

Blue Flag Iris

Beautiful cliffs

Female Hooded Merganser
This smallest of the three species of mergansers found in North America is another new trip bird for us. 

They find their prey underwater by sight, the nictitating membrane (aka the third eyelid) is clear and acts to protect the eye during swimming, just like a pair of goggles

Double-crested Cormorants


Lindsay looking for Great Cormorants among the Double-crested Cormorants

Double-crested in between two Greats

Male Northern Parula

One of only a few birds that nest in Spanish moss.

One of the smallest warblers, it was originally named the Blue Yellow-backed Warbler.

Bathroom Signs

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