Tuesday, June 7, 2016

6-7-16: Grand Manan Island & Fundy National Park, New Brunswick

June 7, 2016:  Swallowtail Lighthouse on Grand Manan Island and Fundy National Park, New Brunswick.

Tomorrow we will watch the 12 METER tide change and hike several of the interesting trails.

With no fog we got a nice view of the Swallowtail Lighthouse

As the ferry came around the point

Black's Harbor Lighthouse as the ferry pulled into the mainland.

75 miles north we headed into this beautiful park

As we entered the park, Mama Ruffed Grouse was having all kinds of trouble with her chicks

It was like herding cats as the chicks were going every which way, even under the Ranger's car!

She was NOT happy and charged the Rangers repeatedly as they tried to help get the chicks out of the road.

Finally order was restored and she ambled off into the woods with the chicks in tow.

Shelf Fungi

Never seen garbage separated like this

The BirdMobile in our campsite in Fundy NP

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