Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Monday, June 27, 2016 Blue Ridge Parkway/ No internet coverage

Monday, June 27th was spent traveling on the Blue Ridge Parkway with frequent stops for short birding hikes.  We had no internet/cell coverage at our campsite Monday evening.  We just arrived at sister Marti's home in Winston-Salem, NC where we will stay until flying home Friday night.

Question Mark Butterfly

Cliff Swallow 
Females are known to lay eggs in their own nest and then carry one of the eggs in its bill and put it in another female's nest. 

When young (like the bird on the far left) leave their nest they often will congregate in large groups called creches.  A pair of swallows can find its own young in the creche primarily by voice alone.

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly

Indigo Bunting
 They migrate at night, using the pattern of stars nearest the North Star to guide them.

These birds are actually black; the diffraction of light through their feathers makes them look blue.  This explains why males can appear many shades from turquoise to black.

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