Sunday, June 19, 2016

Friday, June 17, 2016: Prince Edward Island, Canada

Sunday, June 19th: Father's Day - Back in the USA! Today was a 348 mile travel day from Prince Edward Island, Canada to our current campsite just outside Bangor, Maine.  Temperature is 75 degrees with humidity of 47%.  Overnight low is projected to be 60 degrees with tomorrow's sunrise at 4:49 AM with the birds starting to sing about 4:00 AM.

 Post is from Friday, June 17th: Another cool and cloudy and windy (35 mph!) day but a very interesting one as we saw many awesome things during the hours we were hiking.

Interesting PEI NP Information

Dandelion seedhead

Lindsay's always on the lookout
Here scoping out Black Scoters in the Gulf of St. Lawrence

American Crows

Crows will often stand over an anthill and allow the ants to climb onto their feathers.  One interesting theory is that this allows the ants to discharge their formic acid, thus making them more palatable to the crows.

Song Sparrows
 Certainly these birds are the most common sparrow we are hearing and seeing on the trip

These rows of buoys seen in many island bays mark the miles of mussel lines suspended just below the surface.

Each year, PEI mussel farmers harvest greater than 37 million pounds of mussels for distribution around the world!

Double-crested Cormorants on Orby Head

Aptly named Double-crested Cormorant though with its head all wet his double "crests" don't show up that well


"Our" Doubled Cresteds nest in the mangroves (they don't have cliffs)

The Double-cresteds up here nest on cliff faces (as they don't have mangroves)

This is the place on PEI where all the Double-crested Cormorants nest


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