Thursday, June 23, 2016

Saturday, June 18, 2016: Prince Edward Island, Canada

  Today is Thursday, June 23rd.  We crossed the Hudson River 3 times today and went in and out of 3 states.  Photos from today and the post from today will be published tomorrow (Friday) morning.

  6-18-16: Heatwave!!!!  Today was the first day in over a week that we didn't have to wear our rain pants and the first day in almost a month that we were able to wear short-sleeve shirts.  It was sunny all day and the temperature made it all the way to 76 degrees and the breeze was mild at 10-15 mph.
  We hiked for 8 miles and added a new trip bird (female Hooded Merganser) and several new birds for the Canada part of our trip.  In fact, the total number of birds for the days on PEI has now reached 61 along with 3 Red Foxes and several Snowshoe Hares.

BirdMobile on PEI
Looking out into the Gulf of St Lawrence

Male Yellow Warbler

We see these beauties singing each nd every day 

Poison Ivy is VERY prevalent in the woods on our hikes

Paper bags are everywhere

Ostrich Fern

Male American Redstart

Blue Flag Iris

The Canada Goslings are getting bigger every day

Some camper set-ups are a little scary!

Blue Jay
Interestingly, the Blue Jay is the Provincial ("state") Bird of Prince Edward Island

It's OK to have you dog on the trail,
but please Scoop his Poop

Yellow-rumped Warbler

American Crow

Arctic Skipper
The most boldly patterned of all the Maritime Skippers


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