Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Saturday, 6-18-16: Prince Edward Island, Canada

We explored Jack Frost Trail and Dead Creek WMA today, Wednesday, June 22nd and are camped in New York tonight.  We are almost through with the 6-18 posts (only one more) and will send a post from today when the pictures are downloaded, probably Thursday morning.

Saturday, June 18th:  A Breath of Fresh Air:  Trees help to counter global warming by filtering carbon dioxide.  In fact, in one year an average tree inhales 26 lbs of C02 and exhales enough oxygen for  family of four.

Savannah Sparrow

Female Purple Finch
The females sing as well as the males

Male Purple Finch
The population of this species has declined dramatically in the Eastern US due to competition with the House Finch. 

This beauty is the state bird of New Hampshire.

Blue Flag Iris

Northern Shovelers
(Male on the left)  Socially, these ducks occasionally work together in groups while feeding, rotating like a pinwheel, stirring up the surface water and then skimming it for food particles.

Song Sparrow in dappled light
The most common sparrow we are seeing and hearing

Yellow Warbler in dappled light
The most common warbler we are seeing and hearing

Yellow Warbler and Song Sparrow together

Swamp Sparrow
 This sparrow has longer legs than other members of its genus; this adaptation allows it to wade in shallow water to forage.

It will even sometimes stick its head under water to try to capture aquatic invertebrates.

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