Saturday, June 18, 2016

Friday, June 17, 2016: Eagles vs Osprey. No contest!

  We had several interesting wildlife encounters on our 5 mile hike today.  We love pretty pictures but it's so much more rewarding when our pictures tell a story.

Two juvenile Bald Eagles 

Were hunting along the shoreline above the cliff face

Two very attentive adult Bald Eagles were sitting in a tree overlooking the bay, just WATCHING!

 And watching

And watching

An Osprey was hunting in the bay

Splash on the dive

Coming out of the water

With his prey

A Flounder

The opportunistic adult eagles shot out of the tree

In hot pursuit of the Osprey

The eagles are much faster than the Osprey, especially when the Osprey is carrying a fish

One eagle stayed high and the other one stayed low to catch the fish if the Osprey was coerced into dropping it

The Osprey dropped the fish and the eagle caught it in mid-air
Score:  Eagles 1     Osprey 0

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