Thursday, June 9, 2016

6-9-16: Fundy NP & Cape Enrage Lighthouse & Nova Scotia

6-9-16:  Fundy National Park + Cape Enrage Lighthouse + Nova Scotia

Thankfully today was a travel day as the weather was miserable as were the roads we traveled.  The temperature ranged between 48 and 54 degrees with fog, rain and winds up to 35 mph.  We are camped tonight i
n a new province for us, Nova Scotia and will end up tomorrow in Cape Breton Highlands National Park, one of the premier birding spots in all of eastern Canada.

The day started out with confusing road signs

We wnt back to the beach at Alma in Fundy NP to photo the back side of the "Shell Sign"

9 am

3 pm

9 am

3 pm

Cape Enrage Lighthouse

The conditions were brutal on this cliff with almost 50 mph winds  and horizontal rain

Song Sparrow

We have a lot of respect for these guys who were out braving the conditions while all the other birds (except the American Crows) were hunkered down out of the wind and rain.

Ring-necked Pheasant

As we crossed into Nova Scotia we were greeted by this new trip bird for us.

Confucius did NOT say:  Man who leaps off cliff, jumps to conclusion.

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