Friday, June 24, 2016

Thursday, June 23, 2016: NY, MA, CT, NY

  Thursday, June 23, 2016: We crossed the Hudson River three times today.  We started the day in New York, then went into Massachusetts (to the Pleasant Valley Wildlife Sanctuary of MA Audubon), then into part of Connecticut and back into New York where we camped in the Hudson River Valley.  New trip birds included a pair of Goshawks and we're now back "south" enough where we are seeing Black Vultures, Cardinals, and more Catbirds than we've seen since heading into Canada which is essentially north of their typical ranges.

  With school out and especially on the weekends the campgrounds both state parks and commercial ones tend to fill, even the ones with 300-400 sites.

Common Garter Snake

Had never seen a sign like this
Great idea!

Eastern Chipmunk

Spicebush Butterfly

Mountain Laurel

Male Baltimore Oriole
Maryland's state bird.

The Veery is the least spotted of all the American spotted thrushes.

Juvenile Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
 Sap wells collect the tree's sap and insects get stuck in the wells

 Signs for Seniors

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