Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Saturday, June 18, 2016: Prince Edward Island, Canada

We will send this "back-post" now on Tuesday, June 21st after spending the day in Vermont's Silvio Conte NWR.  We will get the photos from today ready and publish that post Wednesday morning.

Erosion at the cliff edges is a constant problem

Great Cormorant

 These birds are excellent swimmers and pursue prey under water using its feet rather than its wings to swim.

 They nest from the coast of Maine all the way to Greenland.

Interestingly, we last saw them in Kenya, now here on Prince Edward Island and hopefully we will see them in Greenland on our August of 2017!

Red-eyed Vireo

The males of this species are among the most persistent singers of all birds and we have heard the same bird singing for several hours straight!  Some birds have been recorded singing more than 10,000 songs a day in the spring.

Male Red-winged Blackbird
This handsome male was sitting placidly in this bush until a crow got near his nest

Then he shot off after that crow like a bullet


They told me I had type A blood, but it was a type-0.

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