Sunday, June 5, 2016

Saturday, June 4th: Grand Manan Island in Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick, Canada

Saturday, June 4, 2016:  Grand Manan Island, New Brunswick

Interestingly, in our first 1/2 day on this island, we saw as many bird species as we did in three full days in Acadia National Park.  

Grand Manan Island

In the fog

American Wigeon Pair (New trip bird)
Female on the right



Seaside cliff trails can be dangerous


An offshore island?

Nope!  Atlantic salmon fish farm

Gulls, Gulls and more Gulls
99% of the gulls here are Herring Gulls
(Great Black-back Gulls make up the other 1%) 

After bathing and drinking in the fresh water Long Pond they come back to the beach of the Bay of Fundy to eat.

Bathing Herring Gulls



Female Red-breasted Merganser
 Another new trip bird for us


This species breeds farther north and winters farther south than the other American mergansers.

Female Ring-necked Duck

Another new trip bird

The pair

Because it never gathers in large flocks it has not been hunted extensively like many other duck species.  A fast flier, it undertakes longer migrations than most other diving ducks (we often see them on Crescent Lake in St Pete)

Song Sparrow

They recognize enemies by both instinctual and learned patterns, and adjust future behavior based on both its own experiences and encounters, and from watching other birds interact with enemies.

Whistle North Head Lighthouse

Male Yellow Warbler

Yellow-bellied Flycatcher
Another new trip bird

It is the easiest of the eastern flycatchers to identify.  It winters in semi-open habitats in Central America, including coffee plantations.

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