Tuesday, May 24, 2016

5-11-16 Brigantine National Wildlife Refuge, NJ

Brigantine NWR    5-11-16

Handsome Ruddy Turnstone feeding among Red Knots.  As their name suggests, they often forage by turning over stones or shells as well as other objects.

In their adult breeding plumage they are striking to see.

Breeding adult on the left.  Non-breeding adult on the right. (and a Purple Sandpiper in between)

Adults foraging in scrapes made in the mud 

But things do get "interesting" when territorial disputes occur or rights to certain mates are challenged!

Willet in breeding plumage


Whimbrels on the flats with Forster's Terns

Bathing near Forster's Terns and the much larger Caspian Tern with that bright red bill

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