Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Croatan National Forest - April 24th, 2016

 Today is Wednesday, April 27, 2016.  We had a nice 4 mile run on the beach with the Atlantic Ocean's waves as company.  The 35 mph winds are still with us but at least it's sunny and not too hot (73 degrees).  We will head back to Pea Island NWR to check for any new birds from yesterday that may have migrated in.  Then we will head north to the Great Dismal Swamp NWR in SE Virginia.   Happy Wednesday to all.

Red-cockaded Woodpeckers are the signature bird here.  They dig cavities in living Longleaf Pines that are often 80-100 years old and softened by heartwood rot.  They live in family groups that work together to not only dig cavities but also to raise young.


They punch holes in the trees around their nest holes to allow sap to run down the trunk around the opening.  This helps ward off Red Rat Snakes and other potential predators who slip and slide on the slippery sap.


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