Monday, May 23, 2016

5-7-16 Cape May Migratory Bird Refuge, NJ

Cape May Migratory Bird Refuge    5-7-16

Tree Swallow

Wild Turkeys

The Wild Turkey is one of only two domesticated birds originating in the New World (South, Central, and North America).  The other is the Muscovy Duck.

European explorers took them to Europe from Mexico in the early 1500's.  They were so successfully domesticated there that English colonists brought them back with them when they settled on the Atlantic Coast.

The males were "strutting their stuff" trying to impress the ladies but the females looked totally uninterested and just kept eating.

Nest of Turkey Eggs

Though the branch is in the way, one can still see why this lovely bird is named a White-eyed Vireo and it has a beautiful song.

Carolina Wren

These little dynamos use snake skins, hair, feathers and many other materials to build their dome-shaped nests.  And they are known to build multiple nests to confuse predators.
South Carolina's State Bird

Their varied songs are beautiful and much louder than you would expect from a bird smaller than your fist in size.

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