Saturday, May 28, 2016

5-27-16 Parker River National Wildlife Refuge, MA

Parker River NWR on Plum Island, in northeastern Massachusetts:  5-27-16

This refuge of 4,662 acres was established in 1942 to protect important feeding, resting, and nesting habitat for birds and other wildlife.  The ecologically rich diversity of habitats includes sandy ocean beaches, sand dunes, shrub thickets, woodlands, bog, swamp, freshwater and salt marshes, salt pannes (shallow tidal pools), tidal creeks and river, and estuary.  With more than 300 bird species recorded, this refuge is noted as one of the finest birding areas in the nation.  Plum Island's 6.3 mile ocean beach provides vital nesting habitat for the endangered Piping Plover and Least Tern.

Glossy Ibises flew over on their way to roost for the night.

Wild Turkeys

We were VERY surprised to see turkeys in the salt marsh!

Pearl Crescent
Asters are this butterfly's host plants.

Much of the beach is closed as nesting habitat for these endangered little guys.

Red-winged Blackbird vs Fish Crow

The crow even tried flipping over upside down to avoid the assault from the blackbirds.

This aerial battle was quite intense as the blackbirds didn't want that crow anywhere near their nest on the marsh.

I wonder if the Fast Pedestrians are Behind?

Bathroom Signs

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