Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Cedar Point Tideland Trail - April 24th, 2016

Today is Wednesday, April 27, 2016.  After a morning 4 mile run on the beach along the Atlantic Ocean on Hatteras Island, we headed back to Pea Island NWR for the second time in two days.  We were rewarded with many new "Trip Birds" (this means that though we have seen these birds many times before, it is the first time we've seen this species on this trip): Green Heron, Orchard Orioles, American Black Ducks, Bald Eagle, Eastern Kingbird, Marbled Godwits, Gadwall Ducks, American Coots, Ruddy Turnstone, Semipalmated Plovers, and a lone Bonaparte's Gull).  We then headed north into Virginia after a short stop at the Bodie Island Lighthouse and are camped near the entrance to the Great Dismal Swamp NWR that we will bird and explore tomorrow.

Croatan National Forest, NC

Brown Thrasher, singer extraordinaire

Hunkered down Great Blue

Tulip Tree (Yellow Poplar)

Greater Yellowlegs (compared to the similar-looking Lesser Yellowlegs, these birds have a subtle upturning of the bill and in breeding plumage like this bird, they have extensive dark bars on their flanks).

Fiddler Crabs are common on mudflats and salt marshes.  Mud Fiddlers (as compared with Sand Fiddlers) have a turquoise patch between their eyes and the pincers are tipped white.  Females have pincers of equal size; males have one pincer that is much larger than the other.

The BirdMobile at our campsite 

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