Friday, May 6, 2016

April 29th, 2016 - Chincoteague NWR

April 29th, 2016 - Chincoteague NWR

On Wednesday, May 4th, we birded Prime Hook NWR in Delaware.  It was cold (50 degrees) and rainy with severe downpours in the morning after we had been there for an hour or so.  We left to do "chores " (grocery store, ACE Hardware, and laundry) while it was pouring and since this refuge is covered by hiking without a Wildlife Drive like the only other NWR in DE, Bombay Hook, has (where we were on Tuesday).  The storms finally blew through by mid-afternoon so we returned to the refuge for another 4 hours until dark.  

Photos from 04-29-2016

1.  Burl in Beidler Swamp, SC

2.  Burl in Chincoteague NWR


Burls are usually a response to some kind of stress in the tree.  None of these hold a candle to THE Burl in Port McNeil, BC! (3.)


4-5.  Greater Yellowlegs:  Although these birds are common and widespread, their low densities and tendency to breed in inhospitable, mosquito-ridden muskegs make them one of the least-studied shorebirds in North America.


6.  American Oystercatcher, a new trip bird for us.


8-9.  Huge Bald Eagle nest with one of the adults nearby. 


10-13.  Forster's Terns: This is the only tern species restricted almost entirely to North America throughout the entire year.


14.  Small male cones of Loblolly Pine tree

15.  Larger female cones among clusters of male cones

16.  Assateague Lighthouse

17.  Green Heron

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