Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Audubon Center at Beidler Forest, SC - Friday, April 22nd, 2016

Sunday was another beautiful weather day with sun, low humidity (in the 30-40% range) and mild temperatures.  it is expected to be in the low 50's tonight here in the Croatan National Forest where we are camped.  Rays beat the Yankees and Souza had two homers on his birthday.  Tomorrow (Monday) we take the ferry from Cedar Island to Ocracoke Island on the Outer Banks of NC.

1-2.  On the porch of the Visitor Center a pair of Carolina Wrens had nested it the bike basket (there were 4 babies in the nest)

14-15. (2045 & 2137):  Cypress Knees grow upwards from the submerged roots of the Bald Cypress trees.  No one knows for sure what they actually do burt there are three popular theories: 
   1. They serve as Root anchors helping the trees stand in soft wet soils, even in high winds.   
   2. Root banks as storage vessels for starch produced by the trees.
   3. Root snorkels allowing gas exchange between the air and underwater roots.  And hollow cypress knees are preferred nesting spots for the Prothonotary Warblers, one of only two warblers who nest in cavities.

16.  We saw only one Barred Owl


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