Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Day 3 - Friday, April 22nd, 2016

Sunday morning      April 24, 2016  Temperature is 55 degrees and sunny.   We are heading north to the Croatan National Forest near Morehead City, NC where all Southeast Woodpeckers (Hairy, Downy, Pileated, Red-bellied, Red-headed, Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers, Northern Flickers, Red-cockaded) are common.

Audubon Center at Beidler Forest, SC

1-2.  Juvenile 5-lined Skinks

3-6.  Adult male 5-lined Skinks

7-8.  Ebony Jewelwing Damselflies:  Female's wings are black with white stigmas and the Male's wings are all black

9.  Strange looking mounds are from the diggings of crayfish

10-12.  Red Swamp Crayfish

13-14. Green Anole or Carolina Anole (same genus and species: Anolis carolinensis):  They can turn brown to match their surroundings on tree bark but the eyelids are a giveaway as they stay green (the non-native, exotic Brown Anole (aka Cuban Anole) cannot turn green)


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