Sunday, May 22, 2016

Shenandoah National Park, Virginia 5-16-16

              Shenandoah NP, VA       5-16-16

  We were quite fortunate to have a cool and sunny day for our drive along Skyline Drive in this beautiful National Park (especially since it rained all day on 5-17 and had been rainy for most of 5-15 too).  The park extends along the Blue Ridge Mountains in Virginia and the Skyline Drive runs its length.  A vast network of trails includes a section of the long-distance Appalachian Trail.  Mostly forested, the park also features wetlands, waterfalls and rocky peaks.  We saw our first and only Black Bear and Common Ravens of this trip so far.

Male Scarlet Tanagers


These birds become quite noisy and swoop around most birds who prey on them, like Blue Jays and Eastern Screech Owls, however they tend to remain still and quiet around Merlins and American Crows.

Silver-spotted Skipper

Spicebush Swallowtail Butterfly

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