Thursday, May 26, 2016

5-26-16 New York and Massachusetts

Thursday, May 26, 2016:  Today we travelled north along the Hudson River in New York and then turned east into Massachusetts, ending up about 30 miles northwest of Boston.  Looking forward to exploring Oxbow National Wildlife Refuge near our campsite on Friday morning, May 27th.  We will then head to extreme northeastern Massachusetts camping near Salisbury for the Memorial Day Weekend.  From our standpoint, this is strategically located near Parker River NWR on Plum Island which faces the Atlantic Ocean and is a premier birding site. 

1st summer male Orchard Oriole checking us out

Canada Geese 

Notice the head position of the lead adult goose (probably the male).  This is a threat display letting us know that we were not welcome near his family so we immediately desisted and walked away.

Male Yellow Warbler

When the birds are up so high in the trees we affectionately call this "Butt Birding!"

This handsome male was singing his little hear out to his mate.

Blue Flag Iris

Nice place for a Robin's nest

Wednesday night we were surrounded by the calls of hundreds of Gray Tree Frogs that went un unabated for 11 hours straight!  We were camped about 20 yards from a large swamp and many of the frogs were also in the trees around the campground.  One can even hear the calls of Bullfrogs in the background.

Eastern Chipmunk

Male Ruby-throated Hummingbird



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