Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Day 4 - Saturday, April 23rd, 2016

It is now Thursday, April 28 and we're off to the Great Dismal Swamp NWR, VA.  Lots of rain and thunderstorm overnight but just cloudy and 59 degrees now.

 Waccamaw NWR, SC:  This beautiful refuge was established in 1997.  Encompasses 23,000 acres that includes large sections of tidal emergent wetlands, forested wetlands, and upland forests associated with the Waccamaw and PeeDee Rivers.  The refuge and surrounding area supports the highest density of nesting Swallow-tailed Kites in all of South Carolina and is the northernmost documented nesting site for this species.

Life finds a way

Interesting root and the Resurrection Fern is green and happy with all the recent rain

Common Garter Snake  

Yellow-bellied Slider

Blue Sage

White Swamp Azalea

Female Great Blue Skimmer Dragonfly


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