Sunday, May 21, 2017

Copper Harbor, Brockway Mountain- Michigan's U.P.: 5-20-17

On top of Brockway Mountain at 1,400 feet

At the start of mountain bike trails there are stands like this one to hang your bike to work on it with all the tools provided.  There is also an air pump and water for one's water bottles.

Sharp-shinned Hawk disappearing after harassing the American Kestrel as they flew by the mountain top at the same time.

Ore carrier on Lake Superior

Broad-winged Hawk

Each fall, hundreds of thousands of these hawks leave the northern forests of South America.  They fill the sky in sometimes huge flocks that can contain thousands of birds at a time (like we saw at Whitefish Point last week).

Late Pleistocene fossils of these hawks, up to 400,000 years old, have been unearthed in FL, Iowa, IL, VA, and Puerto Rico.

Perhaps the entire population of Copper Harbor?? (There is only one blinking stop light in town)

Juvenile Bald Eagle

He'd been mowing this lawn for weeks and never moved the cone.  Duh!

Will Rogers

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