Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Sunday, 5-7-17: Hillman Marsh, Ontario, Canada

Handsome Male American Goldfinch

The state bird of Washington

One of the many flycatchers

Gulls, Terns, Geese on the lakeshore

Caspian and Forster's Terns

Bonaparte's and Ring-billed Gulls

Black-bellied Plovers

Great Blue Heron
 Great Blues are by far the main heron here.


Female House Sparrow

Male House Sparrow (Exotic invasive species) 

Spotted Sandpiper in breeding finery with its spots.

This is usually what they look like when we see them in Florida, in early migration without their spots.

 Male Yellow-rumped Warbler in breeding plumage.

By far the most common warbler we are seeing.

Why teachers drink

Respite from winter cold

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