Saturday, May 27, 2017

Horicon Marsh National Wildlife Refuge, WI: 5-26-17

Our campground is about 20 miles from the refuge

On our way to the refuge we saw this immature Red-tailed Hawk on the wire.

Male Tree Swallow

Male Bobolink

These birds winter in the extensive grasslands of southern South America and have one of the longest migration routes of northeastern songbirds

The Bobolink is the only American bird that is black underneath and white on the back.  This coloring makes the male stand out while he is performing his displays.  After breeding he changes into a drab, camouflaged plumage to spend the rest of the year.

Thirteen-lined Ground Squirrel

Tend to eat seeds of grass and herbs and some insects.

Cliff Swallow

Females are known to lay eggs in their own nest and then carry one of the eggs in its bill and put it in another female's nest

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