Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Scarlet Tanager at Seney NWR, 5-16-17

Male Scarlet Tanager

The female sings a song similar to the male's, but softer, shorter, and less harsh.  She sings both in answer to the male's song and while she is gathering nesting material.

These tanagers often play host to eggs of the Brown-headed Cowbird, particularly where the forest habitat has been fragmented.  When a pair of tanagers notices a female cowbird approaching, they aggressively drive her away.  If they don't notice, the cowbird gets rid of a tanager egg and replaces it with one of her own.  Interestingly, the tanagers apparently can't tell the difference, either before or after the egg hatches, and they raise the imposter along with the rest of their brood.

Tiger Moth Caterpillar

This is MY SPOT!

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