Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Tuesday, 5-16-17: Seney NWR in Michigan's U.P.

There will be one or two more blogs on our days at Seney NWR so please check our blog (tandlontheroad.blogspot.com) tomorrow if we can wrangle coverage.  I want to publish this post now while the cell coverage Gods are with us with a rain storm coming.

BirdMobile at Seney NWR

Eastern Painted Turtle

Beautiful markings

This is North America's most widespread turtle.  Basking raises the turtle's body temperature, activating its digestive enzymes.

Greater Yellowlegs

Sandhill Crane
A crane fossil, approximately 10 million years old was found in Nebraska and is structurally identical to the modern Sandhill Crane, making it the oldest known bird species still surviving.

These birds frequently preen with vegetation and mud stained with iron oxide resulting in a reddish brown color rather than their natural gray.

Red Squirrel (Aptly named)

These squirrels are conspicuous and noisy residents of coniferous forests.  They are active year-round.

They feed mainly on pine seeds, hoarding the cones and leaving large piles of stripped cones or middens.

They also eat nuts, fungi, fruit, tree sap, and young birds or bird's eggs

Common Tern

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