Thursday, May 11, 2017

Tobico Marsh in the Bay City State Recreation Area, MI: 5-10-17

South end of northbound pair of Mallard Ducks

White-breasted Nuthatches

They gather nuts and seeds, jam them into tree bark, and hammer or "hatch"the food open with their bills.

A group of nuthatches is collectively known as a "jar" of nuthatches.

Male Northern Cardinal

Female Eastern Phoebe on her nest.

The phoebe's call closely resembles its name.

Mute Swans flying in for a landing

A new bird species for this trip though we have seen them many times before.

Handsome Male Tree Swallow

These were nest box "duplexes" with smaller Tree Swallow boxes attached to the larger Wood Duck boxes, both with reinforced hard plastic around the openings to keep woodpeckers from enlarging the holes.

Male Red-bellied Woodpeckers

Eastern Painted Turtles

Winter's coming!

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